Georges Duboeuf is a modest man. He is modest in stature and rather reserved, in an elegant, French way. He is extremely modest about his contributions to the international wine world, of which championing Beaujolais — the region and the wines — will be his legacy. He is also modest about his success with promoting Beaujolais Nouveau, even though it has become a an overhyped caricature of itself.
The king of Beaujolais Nouveau lives modestly as well, within his winery’s headquarters compound in Romanèche-Thorins, home to Le Hameau du Vin. Duboeuf’s “hamlet of wine” is a museum celebrating the history of Beaujolais and its wines, which opened in 1993, drawing millions of visitors every year. Duboeuf is even taking the 50th anniversary of the founding of Les Vins Georges Duboeuf in 1964 rather modestly. There was no formal shindig, no big media campaign or otherwise to celebrate the man who put quality Cru Beaujolais on the map. Again, Georges Duboeuf is a modest man.