As December comes to a close we’re all reflecting back on the year that has been 2011. Although we’re still going through challenging economic times, spirits of the vintners throughout wine country seem to be rising, as sales are slowly picking up. There’s a feeling of hope and optimism that I haven’t seen in a long time. So keeping that positive state of mind, here are my top 10 wine moments of 2011. Read more
Oh No You Didn’t…You Brought a Boxed Wine?
Oh yes I did. I brought a boxed wine to a recent gathering of my cookbook club. A few weeks earlier an odd-shaped box arrived on my door step. Super heavy for the size of the box. What in the world could it be? A box of wine. Sure, why not. Hmmmm.
The octagonally-shaped box holds three liters of wine, which is equal to four 750 ml bottles. No wonder it was so heavy.
This is the latest model I’ve seen in modern day boxed wines. I know, boxed wine has an image problem, but it’s been more for what’s inside the box (usually plonk) than the box itself.