wine clubs

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A New Kind of Wine Club

On International Women’s Day the courtyard of the Westin Versa in Napa Valley is a lively scene with people having a great time sipping, eating and talking. As you walk around to the 30 or so tables where wines are being poured, you don’t see any men. These are the Women of the Vine, and they have a compelling story to tell behind their own wine labels. Deborah Brenner is what you would call a connector.  She’s a dynamo, and has managed to court some of the best vintners in wine country for Women of the Vine, a venerable a who’s who list:  Gina Gallo, Pam Starr, Milla Handley, Genevieve Janssens and more. It all started as she was researching and writing Women of the Vine, published in 2006, where she explores the contributions women have made to the American wine landscape. While her book was successful, she wanted another way to connect…
